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About Us

There is a period in life in which we need to invest more than in any other: It is from 3 to 6.. Although we cannot predict the future of the child, we have the power, during this period, to put him on to the proper rails to drive himself towards his needs.

Our Mission...

When some parents and teachers claim that children do not understand, who is to blame? Wouldn’t it be that we are the ones who do not understand them?


Think of how many parents choose for their beloved ones which education to follow, and, at the end of the day, are disappointed to see their children interested in something else!  Most parents share the same trend and path …. but by forcing a child you lock him in a false discipline and the result is always frustrating. We must learn through such a mistake. Why do we underestimate our off-springs? Anything someone does by his own initiative is building him up, even if it fails. Failures put us back on track, on the safe and proper road!

It is urgent to prepare teachers who trust the fantastic potential inlaid in the very young human being.

Our mission is to produce such teachers… 

teachers who become equally servants of his soul, his mind and his body, who become able to captivate the mind because they have learnt how to nurse the soul.

We provide the students with a deep understanding of Montessori philosophy and child’s psychology in order for them to become, not common teachers but soul directors.

We make the students to manufacture their own Montessori teaching aids during the course in order for them to integrate their multiple virtues and apply them efficiently


We put in the hands of our students the keys to a better world, a world saved by the children!

It is a revolution in education. It is our mission!

Our vision

Imagine God, relaxing on his sofa-cloud, telling Maria Montessori, sited at his feet on a stool-cloud: “My daughter, I gave you a vision when you were on Earth and you materialized it. Now,  go back down there and inspect it. See how the beautiful work you initiated continues in the hands of your followers”.

For sure, she will be amazed. A lot has been done since she departed, thanks to all Montessori teachers, associations and donors around the world. She will be delighted to see how the children who tasted her education have become actors of peace!

One thing she may question is why not everybody is convinced yet? And also, why not every child is given to use the Pink Tower? Why are there still children who have never touched the decimal system? What about the number rods? And about the Practical Life activities? Why… why… why? 

Can’t the world see the limpid, logic, absolute truth of her method?

Her survey will sadly confirm that most of the children are still deprived of developing their potentialities. 

Let us accelerate the movement, produce more teachers, advocate around and tell our neighbours about the wonders of the method! Let us convince each other. Let us do right.

We have been given the light. Let’s lit up the world… starting with our own town,  own region, own country…  
Celebrating Montessori
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